Ashish Dhawan

Aashish Dhawan is currently a Ph.D. student in the Department of Computer & Information Science & Engineering at University of Florida where he is part of the Graphics, Imaging & Light Measurement Laboratory (GILMLab). His Ph.D. advisor is Professor Corey Toler-Franklin. Aashish graduated with a Bachelors in Technology degree (Computer Science) from Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra, India in 2019. He worked on undergraduate research projects including projects in robotics and computer vision. While pursuing his undergraduate degree, Aashish also worked at the Space Applications Centre, Indian Space Research Organisation (SAC-ISRO) as a research intern.

After obtaining his Bachelors degree, he worked as a Research Assistant at UBITECH Sydney Artificial Intelligence centre under the guidance of Dr. Dacheng Tao and Jingya Wang (a Postdoc at the University of Sydney). He studied partial face recognition and is responsible for developing an algorithm for Multi-Source Domain Adaptation. He worked with Jingya Wang to develop algorithms for the M3SDA project.

Aashish’s research interests include computer vision and quantum computing, working with multispectral satellite images and high-resolution medical images. In collaboration with Dr. Coy Heldermon in the Shands Hospital Oncology Department, and under the advisement of Dr. Corey Toler-Franklin, Director of the UF GILMLab, Aashish is developing deep learning algorithms for detecting and diagnosing metastatic Breast Cancer.