Michael Perez

Michael Perez

Michael Perez

Michael Perez is a Ph.D. student in the Department of Computer & Information Science & Engineering at the University of Florida where he is part of the Graphics, Imaging & Light Measurement Laboratory (GILMLab). Michael graduated in 2020 with a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science from Florida Polytechnic University.

During his undergraduate years, he was a member of the Rhinoplasty Research Group at FPU, whose main goal is to apply novel computer science methodologies to the field of rhinoplasty. He worked on numerous research projects with this team, including performing a systematic review of rhinoplasty literature and developing a web interface for analyzing 3D models of the human face.

Michael has worked on several personal projects as well. He compared deep neural network architectures using Caffe and OpenCV on a Raspberry Pi connected to a camera module and speaker for the image classification task of detecting when a dog is in a camera frame. He also collaborated with a group in a class project to compare the use of several classification models in the detection of pneumonia in chest x-rays, using Keras.

Michael attended PhoenixHacks in January 2020, earning second place in the Hackathon. He developed an Alexa Skills and IoT device (raspberry pi connected to a speaker and camera module) that checks if a person’s outfit is appropriate for the current weather conditions, with one teammate.

Michael’s current research interests include deep learning, computer vision and computer graphics. His is currently working on a research project that uses generative adversarial networks (GANs) to model 3D motion and behavior from videos for applications in biomedical research.